3 Color Blogger Template

3 Color Blogger TemplateThe time has finally come when we release our first ever Blogger template, 3Color. Did you just tried to pronounce that and had a slip of tongue? May be or maybe not. This template has been made with the aim of helping the newbies to learn the Blogger template structure in easy manner. The template is very simple, neat and clean with bright colors having a fixed width. Basic SEO has also been done in this template. Visually it is just a normal basic layout but the magic is inside the Blogger template code which has been presented in a very neat manner which normally you won't find in any other Blogger template. Each bunch of code is followed with a short explanation about what this piece of code do which will make the newbies to learn and play with the template easily. Have a look at the demo.

Main Features:

  1. Fixed Width 2 column layout
  2. 3 column footer
  3. SEO Optimized
  4. Use of CSS reset (Eric Meyer)
  5. Nice automatic navigation bar
  6. Bright user friendly colors (Orange, Green and Blue)
  7. Smooth & Sexy Expand on Hover Social Buttons
  8. Clean Code Structure
  9. Customized heading styles

SEO Features:

The basic SEO required for any Blogger blog has been done so you don't have to worry much about the SEO factor. Here is a short list of what has been optimized.

  1. Header uses h1 tag
  2. Post title uses h2 tag instead of h3 in other templates
  3. Homepage title appear after post title
  4. Most common meta tags added
  5. Comment links optimized (rel='external nofollow')
  6. Label/Category links optimized (rel='tag')
  7. Archive links optimized (rel='archives')

Why so simple template?

I know you have this question in your mind already. This template is made with an aim of helping the newbies to learn the Blogger code structure in easy manner. The template is very simple because I didn't want you guys to get confused by adding tons of features in it. This simple layout will be pretty helpful if you really want to learn the Blogger template structure.

What is CSS Reset?

I will not be going much in-depth about CSS reset over here. For now, just keep in mind that CSS reset just resets the default browser CSS. CSS reset is rarely used in Blogger templates. Don't touch this piece of code if you don't have knowledge about it. I will explain this in deep in our future posts.

How to get the template?

The template currently is just for verified subscribers of this blog whose email ID has been verified. Please post your email ID in the comments and I will send the template right in your inbox as soon as possible. If you are not yet subscribed, then subscribe us now.

If you do not want to share your ID in public, then just add a word 'Private' in your comment and we will not publish that comment. The template will be mailed to your email ID, provided the ID is verified or confirmed.

Changes to be made in the template:

Changing Meta Description and Keywords:

For changing the meta description of your blog, search for--

<meta content='WRITE DESCRIPTION HERE' name='Description'/>
Replace WRITE DESCRIPTION HERE with your description.

For changing meta keywords of your blog, search for--

<meta content='WRITE KEYWORDS HERE' name='Keywords'/>
Replace WRITE KEYWORDS HERE with your keywords separated by comma (,).

Adding Sexy Social Buttons:

The sexy expand on hover social buttons uses the same code that we shared in our original tutorial's. You can simply use that code in this template as per the instructions provided in that tutorial.

What about Navigation Menu?

Navigation menu is automatic which means as soon as you publish a new page, a link will be automatically to the navigation menu. You just don't have to do anything.

Now Start Playing, Start Learning:

There is lot of little things left intentionally in this template so that you can add them yourself and learn. Start playing with the template and do not hesitate to ask if you need any help. I hope the intention of this template will be met. Start adding widgets, do some customization, do trial and error and learn the blogger template structure.

Happy Republic Day 2013


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